Thursday, October 13, 2011

Clean and Dirty

I have a love for beauty products as many women do, however, I often find other women asking me for recommendations.  Recently someone asked me about how I clean my make-up brushes.  (Yes you should be doing this!  It helps get rid of bacteria and other fun things that make their way onto your brushes and subsequently...your face.)  As a lover of all things MAC, I suggested their make-up brush cleaner.  A couple weeks later I was in Target looking for my new favorite make-up removing wipes by E.L.F ( I LOVE the MAC make-up removing wipes as well but this girl is on a budget and the E.L.F. ones are $3, work well, and smell great!) when I discovered they also made a make-up brush cleaner.  Also, for $3.  I quickly added it to my cart and tested it out that evening.  I was really pleasantly surprised on how well it worked and how far just a bit of the product went. 

Another product I think women are asking about and are talking about it seems now more than ever, is dry shampoo.  Apparently washing your hair is so OUT.  I am pretty sure I have tried every brand except Oscar Blandi which a trusted source warned me away from.  Salon Grafix, which can be found at Walgreens for sure and most likley other drugstores, is by far and away my favorite.  Here is a run down of two other brands:  Bumble and Bumble WORKS really well but is colored and that is a recipe for disaster.  Trust me, my story is not a chic one.  Everyone seems to be raving about Tresemme lately.  I am almost out of my current can and I won't replace it.  No matter how much you shake the can, this product comes out white and sometimes no amount of brushing gets rid of the color.  I don't know about you, but I don't need to look like a skunk. 

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